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LGBTQIA+ Senior Resources

The senior resources listed here are focused on providing education and support specifically for LGBTQIA+ seniors. These resources are designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by older adults in our community, offering guidance, connection, and care. If you have feedback on your experiences with these resources, whether positive or negative, or if you know of additional senior-focused resources that should be included, please contact us at

If you would like to have a senior resource included in our LGBTQIA+ Resource Guide, please email us at

LGBTQ+ Seniors of the Inland Northwest

MEETING TIME: The group meets every Friday at noon on Zoom.
 For more information please contact Nancy at or Jacki at

Participants of the LGBTQ+ Seniors of the Inland Northwest attend from the Spokane region, North Idaho, and Western Montana. They operate as a social group and information resource. Their intention is to continue to develop ways to discover and meet the needs of the senior lgbtq+ community.



Our message of treating LGBT elders with the dignity and respect they deserve is amplified and strengthened by our partnerships and coalitions.

Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho

Welcome! The Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho, located in Coeur d’Alene, provides information and support that maximizes independence and quality of life for older adults, individuals with disabilities and vulnerable adults 18 years and older. The agency serves the citizens of Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai and Shoshone counties. We welcome you to our website for information on advocacy and services, as well as volunteer opportunities.

North Idaho Senior Companions Program

The Senior Companions Program is a volunteer program that provides companionship and respite care to the elderly and disabled. Sponsored by Panhandle Health District, it serves the five northern counties: Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, and Shoshone. It allows low income senior volunteers an opportunity to assist those who need minor help to continue living independently. Senior Companions visit clients in their homes, but it is not an in-home care program. We are always seeking volunteers to assist with companionship for this fun and rewarding program!

Hospice House of North Idaho

Our community’s trusted nonprofit hospice since 1981, proudly serving families in Kootenai, Shoshone and Benewah Counties.

With open hearts and expertise, we serve the seriously ill and those touched by loss.
We provide compassionate and collaborative care believing that every individual deserves expert care, dignity, respect, and comfort at the end of their life.

Lake City Center

Lake City Center provides a focal point for serving the social, nutritional, and educational needs of citizens aged 60 years and above. Daytime services include classes and activities, a game room, lunch service at 12:00 sharp M, T, W, F, Meals on Wheels delivery for home bound qualifying seniors M, W, F, and BINGO.

The NorthWest LGBT Senior Care Providers Network

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) seniors have unique needs and face unique challenges. A perceived lack of resources and understanding among Senior Care Providers can be very frustrating for LGBT seniors, in many cases forcing them to conceal who they are, often leading to a decrease in their quality of life.

SAGENet National Affiliates

LGBT older people live in every region of our country, from urban neighborhoods to rural counties—and everywhere in between. Find local groups that provide services and programs to LGBT older people through SAGENet, our national affiliate program.
LGBT organizations that serve older people could benefit from joining SAGENet. Together, we exchange ideas, explore public policy changes, and inspire each other to better support and empower older LGBT people everywhere.


Our community is vibrant, diverse, and resilient despite the difficult and isolating circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Join other LGBT elders across the country who are seeking to reconnect with the greater community, talk about their day, and build an authentic friendship!
SAGEConnect is a safe and easy way to meet someone new while staying safe. By signing up, you will receive casual, weekly phone or video calls from a SAGEConnect volunteer. SAGE has teamed up with Mon Ami to create a simple, one-step call line that allows you to connect with your SAGEConnection without ever giving away your personal information.

Strengthen Your State & Local Aging Plan

This guide is intended to: • Help you understand the unique challenges and needs of LGBT people as they age; • Provide tools and resources to advance inclusion of LGBT older adults during state and local planning; and, • Lay the groundwork for the Aging Network to further their commitment to serving diverse communities including LGBT older adults

LGBT Veterans Health Service (Boise)

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VHA) is committed to providing quality care to all Veterans including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Veterans. Excellent care has no boundaries.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health care services. High quality, respectful, personalized care. All veterans welcome.For more information contact Katy McDermott, LGBT Veteran Care Coordintor, (206) 277-3233. Click here for informational brochure.

LGBT Veterans Health Service (Spokane area)

Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center seeks to promote the health, welfare, and dignity of LGBT Veterans and their families. We are committed to making sensitive and high quality health care accessible. Our policies and practices focus on ensuring a safe, welcoming, and affirmative environment of care for LGBT Veterans. Our employees receive training in clinically competent care that is responsive to the unique needs of LGBT Veterans.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Health Care Services FAQ Brochure

LGBT Veterans Health Service Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health care services. High quality, respectful, personalized care. All veterans welcome.

Nursing Home Abuse Center

The Nursing Home Abuse Center ( is a dedicated resource for nursing home abuse victims and their families.
Our goal has always been: to protect seniors from the horrors of nursing home abuse and neglect through education and empowerment. We want to give you the tools to stand up and speak out against instances of abuse in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Rates of nursing home abuse in care facilities across America are steadily rising. Millions of families are in need of information and support.

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