Strategic Plan and Goals
The North Idaho Pride Alliance (NIPA) envisions a community where all of its members are valued, respected, and affirmed. The Board of Directors helps oversee the organization's operations. They serve as Pride ambassadors & connectors within the North Idaho region. Board members contribute to and participate in the governance, events, and programs of the organization. They are our Leadership team. We invite anyone who wants to make a difference locally for LGBTQIA+ people and advance the spirit of inclusion in North Idaho to be a part of our vision and action for positive change.
Working with our partners, the Board of Directors sets the strategic plan for the organization.
Our 2023-2028 long-term strategic goals include:
Capacity and Resources: Build the capacity of our organization to expand financial resources in the form of education opportunities, information awareness, staffing and sustainable funding necessary to encourage measurable inclusive change in North Idaho.
Violence and Bullying Prevention: Partner and invest in education, events, and resources to provide a safe community that stands against violence, bullying and other forms of discrimination.
Ethnic and Cultural Communities: Make our programming accessible to the North Idaho community at large to combat the isolation of LGBTQIA+ people within those communities.
Faith and Acceptance: Collaborate with both affirming and non-affirming faith communities to provide resources to help LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Civil and Legal Equality: Work towards creating an inclusive North Idaho in which all LGBTQIA+ persons may enjoy full civil and legal equality and participation.