About Us

Who We Are
The North Idaho Pride Alliance (NIPA) is an all volunteer Board of Directors, with the goal of creating strong connections and partnerships through collaboration between community organizations, local and regional businesses, educational opportunities, and our year-round programming. NIPA is determined to maintain a diverse Board of Directors and staff, in alignment with the ideals of the LGBTQIA+ community. As such, we are committed to working with and hiring diverse people who uphold our values.
Our Mission
The North Idaho Pride Alliance (NIPA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) people, allies and community groups working together to create a more inclusive North Idaho through Networking, Educating and Advocating.
Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, NIPA creates strong connections and alliances through collaboration between community organizations, educational opportunities, and our programming.
Our Vision
The North Idaho Pride Alliance (NIPA) envisions a safe and inclusive community where LGBTQIA+ individuals belong, can connect and are empowered to thrive in North Idaho.
Join Our Board of Directors!
All board members are expected to acknowledge and honor the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals, make a personal financial commitment (no matter how small, every penny counts), and dedicate time and professional expertise toward strategic goals.
Interested parties should be willing to be active participants in fundraising, community engagement, and mission actualization. All board members should also exhibit strong leadership skills, creative vision, personal integrity, enthusiasm, and effectively work with the other board members, advisors, volunteers, and community members.
We are committed to building board leadership that is diversely reflective of the community we serve and actively seek applications from lesbians, gay men, women, bisexual and transgender individuals, people of color, people living with HIV, and people with disabilities.
Employment Opportunities
We currently do not have any open positions.
Media Requests
The North Idaho Pride Alliance is governed by a 15-member volunteer Board of Directors, with the goal of creating strong connections and partnerships through collaboration between community organizations, local and regional businesses, community education, and our year-round programming. The North Idaho Pride Alliance is determined to maintain a diverse Board of Directors, keeping accurate with the ideals of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Interested Media Organizations are highly encouraged to reach out to us via email. We will provide responses to media requests in a timely manner – to those we wish to work with. Please be patient as we work to craft a response.